Maintaining this site fucking rocks! published: 17/04/23 (dd/mm/yy) updated: nope This site is just a collection of simple txt files, and it's really liberating to be able to post something simple as this kind of content. I use bash script to generate those files, so it includes a BOM that lets the browser know how to display strange chars (é_è) instead of those "é" things. If a line is too wide, I hit "return" and poof here's another line. No js, no html, no css, no php, no python, no strange language that vomits hundreds of mB of unreadable code that don't adds anything to the content. If you remove the name of the file from the url, you should get, and that's the homepage of this small website where I post txt things. When I publish a new post, I just need to add the current file's url on this homepage, and all the visitors that stumble accross this page can reach all the txt files. It's simple, and since my main website ( is in french only, it allows me to write things in english easily without having to create another website from scratch, or to implement i18n on my main website (I created a very simple blog engine for my main website to teach myself programming a few years ago, and it still powers the blog nowadays). The other benefit of writing things using simple txt files is that if you're selfhosting the website and a post is reaching some highly visited website (hello hn), my home connection (600kb down/200kb up) will still be enough to "upload" the file to all the readers (minus some errors when there's more than 10 visits per second, but that happened only one time for a few hours). Make lightweight websites, even as simple as this one, it allows you to express yourself on the internet, and this is invaluable.